INSTRUCTOR: Tom Wheeler (Office Room 208) 941-0430 x5211

TEXT: Boylestad, Introductory Circuit Analysis (9th Ed., Merrill)



Major Course Topics


I. Waveforms. Capacitance, Inductance. Ideal transformers. RL,RL transient analysis


II. Phasors; RC, RL series, parallel, series-parallel circuits. Frequency domain analysis. Filter concepts ; decibels.


III. AC Network theorems: Mesh, Node. Maximum power transfer. Power factor. AC bridges. RLC resonant circuits.



This course deals with steady-state alternating current (AC) concepts and circuits. Topics include capacitors; inductors; AC series, parallel, and combination circuits; AC network theorems; transformers; passive filters; and response curves. Prerequisites: Completion of Math 150 (trigonometry) and concurrent enrollment in Math 210 (calculus I).




Daily class attendance is required. You are responsible for the material presented in all class sessions, regardless of your presence or absence. Absence of more than 8 class sessions is cause for dismissal from the course, with a grade of F. You are expected to be on time for every class meeting. If you will not be able to make it to class on time, please call the instructor in advance to make arrangements.



Homework is due at the beginning of class (xx00 UTC). Late homework is not accepted unless mitigating circumstances are present. If this is the case, bring documentation (court papers, note on doctor's letterhead, etc.) Homework carries the weight of one major exam (100 points) in the course. Failure to do homework will do severe damage to your grade. (UTC=Universal Coordinated Time, or Standard World Time.)


Homework will be kept in a 3-tab folder, with the latest assignment in front. Your name and the course number must appear on the front of the folder.











There are 3 major exams, an unspecified number of quizzes given at random intervals, various homework assignments, and a final examination given in the 15th week of the course. Your grade will be determined as follows:


2 Highest Major Exams 200 points (100 points per exam, two best exams)


Quizzes/Homework 100 points (treated as a percentage)


Final Exam 150 points



450 points total for course


NOTE: There is one "drop test." The lowest grade from the three major exams is not counted. Only one examination will be dropped during the term. All students must take the final exam.




90 - 100 % A

80 - 89 % B

70 - 79 % C

60 - 69 % D

< 60 % FAIL






Copying the work of another, and claiming it to be your own is plagiarism. This includes (but is not limited to) copying others homework, copying from a lab manual or textbook, or collusion. The minimum penalty for cheating in any form is a grade of zero for the element involved; in some cases, failure of the course and/or expulsion from the Institute will also result. All cases of misconduct will be documented and forwarded to Student Services for disciplinary consideration. The DeVry Student Handbook contains complete information on this topic.


EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - Each classroom has a plaque (located near the door) with instructions for evacuation in the event of an emergency. The instructor will remain in charge of your class group should the situation arise.

FOOD or DRINK are not allowed in the classrooms and labs at DeVry.








NOTE: Chapter numbers refer to the course textbook. It is expected that the material will be read before attending class.




WAVEFORMS Ch 13, pp. 509-547

CAPACITANCE Ch 10, pp. 369-382


RC TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Ch 10, pp. 382-416

INDUCTANCE Ch 12, pp. 465-473


RL TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Ch 12, pp. 473-500

IDEAL TRANSFORMERS Ch 25, pp. 1081-1114



PHASORS Ch 14, pp. 559-600

PAR, SER-PAR CIRCUITS Ch 15, pp. 611-671




DECIBELS Ch 21, pp. 907-950




AC NETWORK THEOREMS Ch 18, pp. 767-798

AC BRIDGES Ch 17, pp. 743-748



NODE TECHNIQUES Ch 17, pp. 721-743


RLC RESONANT CIRCUITS Ch 20, pp. 861-896









Assignment Number


Assignment Number



Ch 13 problems 1-24


Ch 15 problems 1-20


Ch 13 problems 36,37,42,43
Ch 10 problems 1-13,17-25,28-31


Ch 15 problems 21-30


Ch 12 problems 1-9,12-16,31-33


Ch 21 problems 1-26


Ch 25 problems 1-3,8-10,12-15


Ch18 problems 1-7,12-13,26-28,39


Ch 14 problems 1-21


Ch 17 problems 1-7,14,15


Ch 14 problems 22-29,31-46,48-51


Ch 20 problems 1-10,13,14





At the completion of this course, the student will be able to...


1. Given a sinusoidal waveform, characterize its features including amplitude, frequency, average and RMS values, and phase angle.


2. Define capacitance. Explain the physical construction of several types of capacitor units, giving typical applications for each.

a) Electrostatics - Electric field strength, Permittivity, Charge
b) Potential Energy equation
c) Capacitor polarity, working voltage, tolerance, temperature coefficient
d) Relation of E and I -- "ELI The Ice Man"


3. Define inductance. Explain how various inductors are constructed, and where they are applied.

a) Magnetics - Magnetizing force, Permeability, Magnetic field density
b) DC characteristics - series resistance
c) Kinetic Energy equation
d) Inductor specifications
e) Phasor relation of E and I


4. Given an RC or RL circuit exposed to a unit-step (DC step function), solve for the time-constant, graph the voltage, and solve the time-domain equation for specific voltages / times.


5. Given a transformer configuration, analyze its design features, effects and uses and perform step-up, step-down, and impedance calculations.

a) Self and mutual inductance
b) Coefficient of coupling, physical construction
c) Ideal transformer laws


6. Given resistor, capacitor, and inductor elements, characterize their AC response by indentifying the phase relationships between voltages and currents in these elements due to a single frequency sinusoidal excitation and calculate the respective impedance and admittance.

a) Capacitive inductance/susceptance, Inductive reactance/susceptance
b) In-phase/leading/lagging phase angles -vs- power factor
c) Phasor representation , Euler's identity
d) Rectangular and polar representations
e) Ohms law for AC


7. Given a series circuit containing a known AC voltage source operating at a given supply frequency, calculate the impedance, current, and voltage phasors, and power anywhere in the circuit.

a) Series impedance using vector diagrams
b) Current and Voltage calculations using KVL, voltage divider, KCL
c) Total power, power factor

8. Given a parallel circuit containing a known AC current source operating at a given supply frequency, calculate the impedance, current, and voltage phasors, and power anywhere in the circuit.

a) Total admittance
b) Voltages/currents using KCL and current divider rule
c) Total power, power factor


9. Given a first order RL or RC circuit, compute and graph its frequency response.

a) Frequency Domain
b) Cutoff or Critical Frequency
c) Bode Plot
d) Decibels



10. Given a circuit having components in series-parallel connections and a known AC source operating at a given supply frequency, calculate the impedance, current, and voltage phasors, and power anywhere in the circuit.

a) Block impedance notation
b) Arbitrary solution using PSPICE / EWB


11. Given a circuit containing multiple AC sources all at a given supply frequency, compute the voltages and currents of all elements using mesh nodal, and superposition analysis methods.

a) Thevenin / Norton / Millman
b) Arbitrary solution using PSPICE / EWB


12. Given a network connected to a load and operating at a given supply frequency, find its simplest equivalent circuit using Thevenin and Norton's theorems, and calculate the condition of maximum power delivered to a load using the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.

a) Black box method of analysis
b) Computation of maximum power delivered to a load
c) Arbitrary solution using PSPICE / EWB


13. Given a network operating at a given supply frequency, examine the nature of power associated with its components and analyze its behavior on the basis of power.

a) Real, reactive, and apparent power
b) Power triangle, power factor
c) Power factor correction


14. Given an AC bridge circuit, derive the balance equation and state the conditions for balance.


15. For a specified bandwidth, design a bandpass tank circuit to meet the design criteria and use a simulation software, such as PSpice, to verify its performance.

a) Q factor
b) Unloaded versus loaded Q
c) Net Q
d) Bandwidth Approximation