CET-431 - Distributed Computing with Java

Basic Information

Wheeler's CET431 FTP Site Go here to find programs we're working on in class.

CET431 Class Syllabus

CET431 Project Evaluation Rubric This is the evaluation method that will be used for the projects in CET431.

CET431 Laboratory Projects

IOSERVE.PDF  IOSERVE Documentation (May be used during Project 3)

PROJECT SAMPLER   A sampling of past student projects. This area will be updated each semester with new projects. All student projects contain source within their jars.

IOSERVE Simulator Package

These two files emulate an IOSERVE remote computer system. The file IOSERVESimulator.jar  is the emulator program. To use it, you'll need a license key placed in the same folder as the program. The license key is your authorization to use the emulator software. It is in a file called renew.dat. Once you've installed the files, double-click the JAR to start the program. You must have the Java2 platform installed. See IOSERVE.PDF file for complete documentation. Under Windows XP there seems to be a "hidden feature," a web service using port 5000. The simulator will try using a different port number if your machine has this "feature" active.

IOSERVESimulator.jar  IOSERVE Simulator Program

Renew.dat  License key for IOSERVE Simulator

Example Java Programs

These are all JAR (Java Archive) files. You can open any of these JAR files with WINZIP; they ALL contain the Java source code. If you have the Java2 runtime environment installed on your computer (comes with some operating systems such as Mac OS X), you can simply double-click the file to execute it. On a Windows machine, you need to download the latest JRE (Java Runtime Environment) from Sun Microsystems for these to work. Microsoft has purposely provided a crippled Java2 runtime environment with Windows 2000/XP, so even if your Windows box says "Java2" you still need to download the latest Java2 run time from Sun.

MyFirst.jar  MyFirst - A first application in Java

KeyboardInputValidation.jar  How to read the keyboard in a command line program.

DialogInputOutput.jar  How to use dialog boxes for program input and output.

ArrayDemo.jar  An example of arrays in Java, and how they're passed to functions.

FormatDemo.jar  How to control the formatting of text and numbers when printing.

CardSimulation.jar  Putting all the basics together...simulating multiple decks of cards using OOP methodology.

TextWriter.jar  How to write to a text file from a Java application.

TextReader.jar  How to read from a text file in a Java application.

GUI_Events.jar  How to trap various window events in a GUI application.

ClickMe_Applet.jar  Intercepting mouse clicks and painting within a Java applet.

TempConv.jar  A small GUI application showing how to deal with various events, report results.

TextBoxDemo.jar  How to use text edit boxes in a Java GUI application.

MultiThread.jar  Multithreading example; how to crash your system properly.

TelnetClient.jar  A working Telnet client, demonstrating how to use Java Sockets.

Synthesizer.jar  Piano emulator written by James Bauer; shows how to fire MIDI events. Turn on CAPS LOCK when running this program.

CardServer.jar  CardServer (with source code and sample client) for Internet Cards exercise.

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